
Inca's Isabelle |
30033874, Full Peruvian |
50 percent Accoyo, full Peruvian female is
the daughter of Pperuvian Inca and
Pperuvian Irma, and a full sister to Tagi
of Legacy Hills, AOBA and Futurity
Champion. Both her sire and her full
brother have closed breeding books.
Isabelle has soft, greasy fine fleece with
incredible luster. Her lock is uniform and
dense and she is well covered. Her 2006
fleece came back with a comfort factor of
98%, and a mircron count of 19. She has a
wonderful patient temperment. She is an
easy breeder. Her first cria was a
beautiful female bred last spring. She is
due for a spring 2009 cria - bred to our
Torbio stud. |
McKinley |
171702, Full Peruvian |
is half Accoyo, Full Peruvian white male
born in 1996 on a small farm in Idaho. His
sire is the incomparable Torbio and Marlin
resembles him in his strength of bone and
presentation. Marlin has a perfect head
with excellent definition of lock, luster
and handle. His confirmation, including
bite, is excellent. His temperament is
wonderful. He is a proven producer of AOBA
champions. Marlin may be one of the best
kept secrets on the west coast, never
having been shown and having only been
bred 8 times. Every male he has produced
has been shown and won. Sitka's Scout,
AOBA National Reserve Champion, and MAPACA
Grand Champion in 2003, as well as the
2004 AAA Futurity Champion, stands at
Alpaca Jack's Suri Farm, and Mulvaney's
Donovan, another First Place AOBA finisher
in 2003, stands at Alpaca Bella Suri Farm
in Ohio. Other sons have placed at small
NW shows in halter and fleece classes. |
Peruvian Rainey
or email for more info
Type: Female Suri
Status: Open / Unproven
Heritage: Full Peruvian
Registration: ARI Registered
ARI #: 30700536
Color: White
is a full Peruvian 50% Accoyo female who
stands out in our herd. She is an Inca
granddaughter and a Torbio granddaughter.
Her mother, Isabelle, is a full sister to
Tagi of Legacy Hills, AOBA and AAA Futurity
Champion standing at Chelsea Farms in
Renton, WA. Inca's last breedings, when he
was at Latah Creek Alpacas and his book was
open, were $7500.00. Inca is now deceased.
Rainey is a sweet tempered female with
drapey locks and excellent luster and fine
greasy fleece.
Peruvian Rainey

Her coverage and uniformity
are good. Her conformation is excellent with
good bone, straight legs and back and a
beautiful, wedge-shaped head. She has a good
bite. Both her grandmother and her dam are
great mothers with lost of milk, are easy
breeders and have excellent suri vigor. This
female is exceptional and will make a great
addition to any breeding herd. She already
is interested in breeding and will be ready
to breed in the fall of 2010

SRS Inca's Isabelle

171702 |
30033874 |
Full Peruvian |
Full Peruvian |
White |
White |